Sunday, August 12, 2007

turquoise shawl thou arent neglected

i havent been working on this one cause well i'm scatterbrained. i start and stop enough projects and am never satisfied when i start things as usual. so i may start this one over on another larger pair of needles and maybe this time i'll get past my block.
i keep wanting to perfect my patterns and havent been doing that either.
having started the shawl as stress relief, i had to put it aside as other things were more important.
ok theres a little blonde distraction needing my attention again.
shall return soon

Friday, August 10, 2007

fingerless gloves

i'm making another pair this time its to go from tip of my fingers to near my elbow if i planned it right. i started today with the cast on and first row.
i had started it yesterday in the hospital but today frogged the few cast on stitches i had and started over.
if all goes well these should be done before the winter lol